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Photograph of letters - pupil tracker for british international schools
Maximising Progress: Best practices for utilising assessment for learning in British International Schools
In the dynamic landscape of education, the effective use of assessment for learning serves as a cornerstone for ensuring continuous progress among students....
Smiling teacher using Student Progress Tracking Software
Replacing Classroom Monitor or Target Tracker
A number of schools are telling us that they want to replace Classroom Monitor or Target Tracker this Spring/Summer, and obviously we’d be delighted...
The Dubai skyline
Unlocking Success: Pupil Progress for KHDA Inspections - Strategies for Top Results
In Dubai, UAE, achieving top ratings in KHDA inspections hinges on optimising pupil progress. As schools strive for excellence, understanding and implementing...
We're here to help!
Looking for Learning Ladders customer support? Did you know that membership includes full technical support and free CPD for every member of school staff...
Book shelf
Best Books for Teachers and School Leaders - Updated for Summer 2022
Education books are a valuable resource that help teachers and leaders improve their knowledge and skills. Not only that, they’re often funny, inspiring...
Teacher communicating with three engaged-looking children in blue uniforms.
What is the Parent Pledge for Schools? The Ultimate Guide
Keeping parents involved and engaged with their children’s education has been a long-standing challenge for teachers. Naturally, parents want to...
Profile picture of Kat Howard - Change Management in Schools
Effective Change Management in Schools
In our latest free CPD session we explored ‘Effective Change Management in Schools’ with Kat Howard. Kat is an author, speaker, advisor to...
child sat in parent's lap using a laptop together
Positive effects of parental involvement in education
Why should schools promote or encourage parental engagement in their children’s education? Shouldn’t teaching be left to the teachers? Well, yes, and no....
curriculum design
Designing a Curriculum with Learning Ladders
Curriculum design is a critical aspect of educational planning that sets the foundation for the learning journey of young children in early years and primary...
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