EYFS 2020 On Entry Assessment Module by Melanie Evans

As the newest member of the Learning Ladders team (with a teaching background), I have jumped at the opportunity to be a part of the team working on the new EYFS On Entry Assessment- even more so after learning of Jan Dubiel’s involvement.  

During my time in Early Years I’ve seen the reincarnation of Learning Journals; from perfectly decoupage paper journals to the ink saving and instant online kind. But none have given the joined-up view of progress or attainment needed. Let’s face it, after gathering observations on one system, then being asked to submit your data on another, there’s more than a little unnecessary duplication happening. 

I’m inspired to be part of conversations around tackling the transition to KS1, a struggle I have encountered first hand.  It is common practise to plan for a cohort entering Year 1 with many still working towards Early Learning Goals.      

It is clear that a different approach is necessary for the 2020/21 Yr R and Yr1 intake. The new On-Entry Assessment tool is the product of listening to the resounding opinion within the Early Years community: that children’s foundations must be re-secured.  Additional to this is Jan’s caution in overlooking Prime Areas of development in favour of fast-tracking children’s progress in specific areas. 

The brief was simple: to create an easy to use, useful assessment tool written for the practitioner by practitioners.

The on-entry assessment is FREE but could prove of more value than any other resource you will download this summer.   

So often in Education, we are waiting for technology and policy to catch up.  That’s why I’m so thrilled to be a part of the Learning Ladders team right now. They have taken action, informed and backed up with secure pedagogical understanding, with the tech to actually make it happen.   I know that the EYFS community is amongst the most passionate, professional and highly trained in child development. I hope that you’ll all be vocal and eager to help shape the tool that’s in development.

To find out more about our new On Entry Assessment for EYFS contact us here.

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